Men här är vad som står i den officiella regelboken iaf. Och längst ner hittar ni min tolkning av det som står där. Översatt till svenska. Men vill man verkligen veta vad som faktiskt bedöms så tycker jag man ska kolla på massvis av bilder och filmer från officiella tävlingar. Då främst IFBB sanktionerade. För andra organisationer, såsom IFBB Pro och NPC har lite andra bedömningskriterier och även andra regler.
Article 134 – Prejudging: Assessment of Round 1 (Two-Piece Bikini)
134.1 Assessment of Round 1 (Two-Piece Bikini): Round 1 (Two-Piece Bikini) will be assessed using the following criteria:
1. The assessment should take the whole physique into account. The assessment, beginning with a general impression of the physique, should take into consideration the hair and facial beauty; the overall body development and shape; the presentation of a balanced, symmetrically developed, complete physique; the condition of the skin and the skin tone; and the athlete’s ability to present herself with confidence, poise and grace.
2. The physique should be assessed as to its level of overall body tone, achieved through athletic endeavors and diet. The body parts should have a nice and firm appearance with a decreased amount of body fat. The physique should neither be excessively muscular nor excessively lean and should be free from muscle separation and/or striations. Physiques that are considered too muscular, too hard or too lean must be marked down.
3. The assessment should also take into consideration the tightness and tone of the skin. The skin tone should be smooth and healthy in appearance, and without cellulite. The face, hair and makeup should complement the “Total Package” presented by the athlete.
4. The judge’s assessment of the athlete’s physique should include the athlete’s entire presentation, from the moment she walks onstage until the moment she walks offstage. At all times, the Bikini-fitness competitor must be viewed with the emphasis on a “healthy and fit” physique, in an attractively presented “Total Package”.
5. Judges are reminded that this is not a bodyfitness contest. The competitors should have shape to their muscle but not the separation, definition, very low bodyfat level or hardness that are seen at bodyfitness competitions. Any competitor who exhibits these features is to be marked down.
Min tolkning:
Atleten ska bedömmas som ett komplett paket. Med fokus på en hälsosam och "fit" kropp som presenteras på ett attraktivt sätt i ett "komplett paket"
Paketet innefattar:
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